There is a special word for this recognition of sentience, mothaitheacht. It was described as a feeling in the upper chest of some kind of energy or sound passing through you.
— Diana Beresford-Kroger in "To Speak for the Trees"
Watercolour illustration of a tree made of purple mottled storm clouds with lightening bolts coming out of them. Yellow stars and rain. A heart in the tree trunk.

Beloved Presence and the Cailleach Ken Library are Celtic wisdom and spirit informed however, it isn’t just for Celtic connecting people.

This is for anyone that feels a sense of love and kinship with the natural world and wants to take it further with focus and intention.


 What is the Cailleach Ken Library?

“Ken” means ‘knowing, learning, teaching’ and Cailleach is the Crone/Hag/Witch/Land/Earth/Ancestor/Goddess of the Celtics.

The Cailleach Ken Library sits in the middle of the cross-roads of all the things I love: Spirit, the Land, Ancestors, Learning, Growth and authentic expression of Soul Self in the World of Form…

…and witchiness.

An Cailleach is the source for the Halloween witch. Long live the Hag and all Her power and magick. She is the Guardian of Land and woe be unto those who live without recognizing Land as the First Teacher.

I love the natural world.

I love the trees, the animals, my houseplants, my cats. I love the veggies and the flowers and the bees. I love the squirrels and chipmunks and blue jays and starlings. I love the hawk that comes and makes everyone scurry for cover.

I love them all as kin. They are my family and I love them with a depth of feeling that makes some people uncomfortable.

The natural world is a Beloved Presence.

This feeling sense for the natural world is embodied in Celtic culture. The Draoi have a word for the recognition of soul in another. It is Mothaitheacht (mo-HAHt-yiat) in Irish and Mothachadh (mo-HAH-hchraig) in Gaelic.

Because of my deep love for the natural world, I passionately encourage building communication and friendship with the natural world around us.

The Cailleach Ken Library shares how to do this so that you can build your communion with Spirit in the World.

I encourage experiencing the natural world as a Beloved Presence and developing ourselves to be a Beloved Presence in return.


 Community on the Beloved Presence Discord

Joining the Chat! (Seriously, it’s just me right now and as much as I love being alone - I’d love to chat with you all about your experiences of Spirit in the World.)

Share experiences, feedback, support and community on this often baffling walk of being spirit in a world of form.

This is from the first day live and it was just me, talking to myself… and quite enjoying it. LOL!


What’s in the Ken Cailleach Library?

Videos, worksheets, downloads and mini courses all focused on the process of spiritual reconnection with the physical world so that you can live your life on Earth, in resonance with your Soul. Join the Library and get all of the resources offered, plus access to anything I add in the future, and first chance at participating in virtual or IRL live events and workshops.

Tabhartas Bòid. Votive Offerings. A purple background with darker leaves in a frame around the words. A medallion of the Celtic Tree of Life on the top.

Tabhartas Bòid (Votive Offerings)

Tabhartas Bòid (TAV-ar-tis BOW-j)

This mini course is an introduction to reciprocity with the natural world. It is a primer for reaching out to Beloved Presence in the physical world and asking to begin relationship.

Tabhartas Bòid is an ancient Celtic practice that most nature lovers are already doing in some way or another; this course brings spiritual intent and focus into the action.


Bhraitheann Anam (Sensing Soul)

Bhraitheann Anam (BREH-hen AH-num)

This mini course and downloadable worksheet is the next step in our relationship with Beloved Presence in the physical world. This worksheet shows step-by-step how to use mothaitheacht communication with beings in the natural world to access wisdom about ourselves and dissolve the blocks to our personal progress.

Braitheann Anam brings our everyday lived issues, wounds, blocks and annoyances to Beloved Presence in the physical world for spiritual processing. This is beautiful healing love offered to us by the Earth in Wholiness.

Bhraitheann Anam. Sensing soul. Purple background with darker leaves in a frame around words. Purple Celtic Tree of Life medallion top center.

Ancestor Chats. Purple background with darker leaves in a frame around words. Purple Celtic tree of life medallion top center.

Ancestor Chats

This is pretty much what it sounds like; practice communicating with ancestors and the unseen.

Your ancestors are eager to share their wisdom and tidings of love. Get in touch and begin Ancestor Chats.

Some of my ancestors that have come for a chat.


 Fite Fuaite

Fite Fuaite (FEE-tza FWOO-tza) means “interwoven” or “inseparable” in Irish.

It literally means “woven and sewn” and illustrates the Celtic belief that everything in Creation is part of a united “wholiness”. A oneness of all things. The seen and unseen, the living and the dead… all things are fite fuaite and are created together in the beginning and can never be separated.

Wholiness is Beloved Presence

In the Cailleach Ken Library I share how I connect with and communicate with Ancestors and those unseen so that you can build a relationship with your own. Your Ancestors are eager to speak with you and hold a tremendous amount of transformational knowledge they are eager to share. Empathetic ways of knowing are a powerful path to wisdom which is beginning to bloom for European immigrants on Turtle Island.


 Monthly Message + “Dead” Celebrity Tasters


Every month in the Holy Sh!t Handbook members area, I ask for a message for the community from Beloved Presence &/or Muireann. It’s up to Spirit who comes through and what the message is - but it’s always what the community needs to hear at that time. They often address trends in evolution and energy of the planet and the species. Sometimes there are messages directly from Earth and our Animal and Plant kin.

What comes through is the most important wisdom Beloved Presence has for humanity at this time. I include parts of the reading for the Divine Reminders Library. Same for Chatting with “Dead” Celebrities. In the Divine Reminders Library you can access the conversation and put in your ask for other Famous “Dead” I can chat with.


 Contact Me

…with any questions, concerns or interesting, unexpected or inspiring stories that happen during your communication with Beloved Presence. I want to know!

 The Unstuck Mini Course


Connect to your hidden gifts and power.

Follow Quest and Integration meditations to access lost and buried parts of you Soul Self.

Get a taste of Unstuck - play the intro below.


 The HSH Tasty Freebie

The Holy Sh!t Handbook. A Guided Journal experience with Beloved Presence.

Download the first chapter of the Handbook when you access the Cailleach Ken Library.

This is a tasty freebie intro to the process of shifting our perception in our daily life. We need to be reminded that we have a choice to see things differently. The Holy Sh!t Handbook offers real life practice to help change our experience to one of life as a spiritual being in a physical world.

This is literally a Divine Reminder. Daily.

Tasty Free Chapter of the Holy Sh!t Handbook. Watercolour illustration smiling poo with a halo and wings. Purple Celtic Tree of Life Medallion bottom center.

 Animal Anamcharas

Anamchara is Irish for “Soul Friend”. Animal Anamcharas are Beloved Presence in the natural world.

Take the quiz, or click below to learn more about your Animal Anamchara.


Love Letters Archive

I write to my email list, irregularly. There may be a flurry of communication and then nothing for awhile. I am not consistent, but they are heartfelt love letters to you, my mirrors of Beloved Presence.

There is an archive of letters in the Library. Get all of this great stuff plus anything else I add going forward. See you!

Light wood panel background. Female hands holding a white envelope open with a red heart inside.